T-shirt avec écrit "Vegan"

Why investing in durable, quality clothing is more beneficial than fast fashion

In our modern society, fast fashion has become ubiquitous, offering low-cost clothing and quickly following the latest trends. However, behind the attractive appearance of cheap prices often lie hidden costs and harmful consequences for the environment and workers. In this article, we will explore why investing in sustainable and quality clothing, especially organic cotton, is a more advantageous option in the long term.

1. Premium quality for increased durability

Durable, quality clothing is built to last. By choosing materials like organic cotton, which is more durable and less prone to shrinking and wear than cheap synthetic fibers, you can expect your clothes to maintain their look and comfort over time. For example, a quality organic cotton sweatshirt can last for years, while a cheap fast fashion sweatshirt might wear out after just a few washes.

2. Lower total cost of ownership

While durable, quality clothing may seem more expensive at the initial purchase, it offers better value for money in the long run. Let’s take the following example to illustrate this point:

  • Good quality organic cotton sweatshirt: €56 to purchase.
  • Cheap fast fashion sweatshirt: €20 to buy.

According to a Greenpeace study, fast fashion clothing is often worn an average of 7 to 10 times before showing signs of wear or losing its shape. For our example, let's assume that the fast fashion sweatshirt is worn 10 times, which means that it costs €2 per wear.

On the other hand, quality clothing, such as an organic cotton sweatshirt, can be worn for much longer. According to a report by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, good quality clothing can be worn up to 120 times. Let's say our organic cotton sweatshirt is worn 120 times, that comes to a cost of €0.47 per use.

Here is a summary of the costs per use:

  • Cheap fast fashion sweatshirt: €20 / 10 uses = €2 per use.
  • Good quality organic cotton sweatshirt: €56 / 120 uses = €0.47 per use.

As you can see, even though the initial purchase price is higher for a quality organic cotton sweatshirt, the cost per use is much lower. This means that in the long run, investing in sustainable and quality clothing is more financially advantageous.

3. Reduced environmental impact

Fast fashion clothing is often made from cheap synthetic materials, like polyester, which require non-renewable resources to produce and can contribute to plastic pollution. In contrast, organic cotton clothing is made from sustainably grown natural fibers without pesticides or harmful chemicals, reducing its impact on the environment throughout its lifecycle.

4. Fair working conditions

Fast fashion clothing is often made in precarious working conditions, with low wages and excessive working hours. By choosing brands that prioritize ethical practices and fair working conditions for their workers, you are helping to support a more ethical and humane fashion industry.

In conclusion, investing in sustainable and quality clothing, especially organic cotton, may seem more expensive in the short term, but the long-term benefits in terms of sustainability, value for money and environmental impact make it a wiser and more responsible choice. By opting for clothing that is made to last, you can not only save money in the long run, but also contribute to a more sustainable and ethical fashion world for future generations.

Discover our collection of organic cotton clothing now on our online store. At EtiKo, we offer you responsible fashion, made with care and respectful of the environment. Join us in our commitment to a more sustainable and ethical future.

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